Contract Staffing

Contract Staffing

Contract staffing, though an accepted practice in the developed countries is fast catching up in India and US. And among the leading players in this field is KM Utopia International with its vast experience in Recruitment and Consulting fields. Our temporary staffing solutions give you a flexible, cost-effective and quick solution for your staffing needs.

Customers can avail of our pool of candidates for their requirement for a specified period. The employees would be in KM Utopia International’s Payrolls and we also would take care of the statutory obligations of the employees deputed for a particular project.

  • Jconnect Infotech knows speed is a competitive advantage in today’s business world. When you need highly skilled temporary employees who are ready to hit the ground running call us. Unlike some temp agencies that do not provide high quality screening, we give you a level of service and you can relax knowing that our temps are thoroughly screened and arrive promptly for their daily, weekly, monthly or long-term assignment and can succeed at the job.

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To take a trivial example, which of us undertakes
laborious physical exercise.

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Who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no one
annoying consequences.
Golden Sunrise